What does AIS and accessibility convey?

With a diverse, comfortable and safe society for all, with special emphasis on people with disabilities, the elderly, families and pregnant women, among other beneficiaries of accessibility.

Comfort and usability
In spaces and services that welcome the user by taking into account accessibility and safety criteria that promote personal autonomy in their design.

Risk reduction, by opting for accessibility as a means of eliminating risk factors for certain vulnerable groups.

Its choice for strict compliance with current legislation.

Its pursuit of excellence through the inclusion of quality, sustainability and accessibility criteria.

Removing barriers, creating opportunities
What do you achieve by communicating AIS?
You will improve the Corporate Image of your company or entity.
Increased target audience
Customer loyalty
Revaluation of real estate
Fulfillment of Social Responsibility objectives
How do you count your commitment to AIS?
There are several channels that companies and organizations can use to communicate their commitment to accessibility and to AIS
Web and RRSS
AIS communicates on its websites, blogs and social networks content related to all its certifications.

In your company/entity
The companies disseminate their certifications by including the AIS logo in their brochures, websites, events and environments; while informing their investors of this commitment at their General Meetings or Profit and Loss Reports; their suppliers and customers, through their newsletters or corporate magazines; and their employees, through training courses.
In addition, they highlight their certifications in their blogs and social networks; and they organize specific dissemination events, such as the awarding of the AIS plaque, round tables on accessibility…
With the media
They send press releases informing about their progress in accessibility, invite the press to their events and offer guided tours to showcase their improvements.